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Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura ?
Chronic intractable migraine with aura is a type of chronic intractable migraine in which the patient experiences recurrent pain for up to 15 days in a month. Along with this pain, the patient also faces many neurological symptoms and visual disturbances. Visual disturbance is the main symptom of this chronic intractable migraine with aura. In which the patient may see lights, blind spots, or zigzag lines. In addition, the patient feels tingling or numbness in the face or arm, and he also faces difficulty in speaking. In this post, we will tell you the exact causes, symptoms, and remedies for chronic intractable migraine with aura, which was used in ancient times and it works even today.

Causes of Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

The exact causes of chronic intractable migraine with aura are not yet known. However, experts believe that chronic intractable migraine with aura can be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, among the genetic and environmental factors, some of the possible triggers may be the following:
Lack of sleep
Changes in hormone levels
Certain foods or drinks
Bright lights
Loud noises
Strong smell

Symptoms Of Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

The symptoms of chronic intractable migraine are similar to those of chronic migraine with aura. But these symptoms appear more severe and frequent, due to which the pain becomes unbearable for the patient.
In chronic intractable migraine with aura, the patient suffers from recurrent pain attacks for up to 15 days in a month.
In chronic intractable migraine with aura, the patient experiences severe headache. This pain is accompanied by throbbing. Apart from this, this pain can be on one side or both sides of the head.
In chronic intractable migraine with aura, aura symptoms may last from 5 minutes to an hour, but sometimes the symptoms of aura continue for more than an hour.
In chronic intractable migraine with aura, the patient may be bothered by light, loud sounds, and smells, and due to this pain attack, the patient also feels very tired.
During the pain, the patient feels dizzy and vomits.
During the pain, the patient cannot pronounce the words correctly.
In chronic intractable migraine with aura, the patient may also have sensory disturbances, due to which the patient may feel irritation and numbness on his face and arm.
Some patients with chronic intractable migraine with aura may experience difficulty concentrating, memory, and decision-making.
Experts estimate that up to 50 percent of people with chronic intractable migraines with aura may experience depression. Apart from this, 40% of people suffering from chronic migraine may suffer from anxiety.

How Is Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura Diagnosed?

To diagnose chronic intractable migraine with aura, your doctor will look at your symptoms and time of onset. After getting the details of the parent’s illness and getting answers to many questions, it makes an estimate whether you have chronic intractable migraine with aura or not.

How To Treat Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

There is no definitive treatment for chronic intractable migraine with aura. But there are some painkiller medications that can temporarily reduce the intensity of your pain. But such medicines have their own disadvantages. For this reason, the doctor gives you painkiller medicine keeping in mind many things. Therefore, we can save ourselves from serious damage caused by migraine by taking the doctor’s treatment and taking preventive measures. Remember that only doctor’s medicine, precautions, diet, or any remedy cannot cure you from migraine. In order to get rid of migraine, you need to take care of many things besides doctor’s medicines, hygiene rules, walks, and a good diet. Only then you can beat the migraine. In ancient times, good food and a good environment were available to everyone.
Apart from this, every person used to walk many miles even if he didn’t want to. For this reason, in ancient times, people did not have to put in much effort to overcome any disease. Therefore, the experts of ancient times only emphasized to increase the immunity level of the patient. And if the level of immunity in a patient was increased, he would easily overcome the most severe disease. Mughol was used in ancient times to increase the level of immunity. Due to Mughol, the patient would feel a wave of energy in his body, and due to this, he would be cured in a very short time. Therefore, if any brother or sister is suffering from any kind of migraine, they should wear a Moghul around their neck while using the doctor’s medicine. And then witness the effects of the Mughol in a few hours.
Because of Mughol, you will get relief from pain very soon. If you need more information about Mughol, click on the button below Or you can contact our team on WhatsApp.

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