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Types Of Intractable Migraine ?
If such a migraine becomes unbearable for the patient, we call it an interactable migraine.
The link is given below for the description of Interactive Migraine.
Hope For Intractable Migraine Patients
There are two types of intractable migraine which are as follows.
1-Status Migrainosus
2-Chronic Intractable Migraine

Status Migrainosus

Status Migraine is also called intractable migraine, Refractory Migraine and prolonged migraine. This pain lasts for at least 72 hours and is a medical emergency for the patient ۔
Status Migrainosus is also called intractable migraine. And the link has been given above to Detail it.

Chronic Intractable Migraine

Chronic Intractable Migraine is a type of intractable Migraine in which the patient experiences severe headaches for at least 15 days per month.
There are two types of Chronic Intractable Migraine which are as follows.
1-Chronic Intractable Migraine Without Aura.
2-Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

Chronic Intractable Migraine Without Aura

In this type of “Chronic Intractable Migraine” the patient experiences pain for at least 15 days or more in a month and It is incurable. The link below for more details on Chronic Intractable Migraine Without Aura .
Chronic Intractable Migraine Without Aura

Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

In this type of Chronic Intractable Migraine, the patient experiences severe pain for 15 days.
Many neurological symptoms are experienced before or during the onset of pain, in which visual disturbances are prominent
The link below for more details on Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura .
Chronic Intractable Migraine With Aura

There are other types of intermittent migraine that are less important.
Migraine With Prolonged Aura
In this type of migraine, the patient sees circles of lights, this is a neurological symptom that lasts for at least 60 minutes.
Migraine With Status Migrainosus
This is a rare and serious condition of migraine. When a migraine attack lasts for at least 72 hours, it is called a Migraine with status migrainosus . This is considered a dangerous condition of migraine
Migraine With Chronic Daily Headache
In this type of Migraine, the patient experiences pain regularly for more than 15 days.
Remember that there is no definitive definition and classification of Intractable Migraine.
Experts have defined and classified it in the light of their own experiences and observations so that it is easy to understand.

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