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Intractable Migraine ?
Intractable Migraine Is also Called Status Migraine Or Status Migrainosis. This Migraine Is Rare And Only One Percent Of The People Who Suffer From Migraine In The World Suffer From Intolerable Migraine. This Pain Continues for More Than 72 Hours. No Medication Usually Works To Control The Intensity Of Intractable Migraine Pain. Intractable Migraine Is Also Called Refractory Migraine And Is A Painful Condition Of Migraine. In This Post, We Are Sharing Information About The Reality, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Of Intractable Migraine .

Intractable Migraine Symptoms

The Symptoms Of An Intractable Migraine Are Similar To Those Of A Normal Migraine The Only Difference Is That The Intensity Of The Pain In Intractable Migraine Symptoms Is Much Higher.
This Pain Continues For More Or Less 72 Hours And Therefore Intractable Migraine Can Be Recognized. For The Correct Recognition Of Intractable Migraines, It Is Also Important To Take Into Account Some Of Their Other Symptoms So That There Is No Possibility Of Error While Recognizing Intolerable Migraine.
These Symptoms Can Be As Follows.
In Intractable Migraine , The Patient Feels Severe And Continuous Pain In One Part Or Parts Of His Head.
The Patient Feels Vomiting And Dizziness Before Or During The Pain.
During The Pain, The Patient Often Vomits.
Before Or During The Pain, The Patient Is Disturbed By Bright Lights, Loud Sounds Or Strong Smells.
The Patient Feels Very Tired In His Body.
The Intensity Of The Patient’s Pain Increases During Movement.
During The Pain And Before The Pain, The Patient Is Unable To Concentrate On Anything Or Do Anything.
The Patient Has Difficulty Speaking Words.
In Intractable Migraine , The Patient Often Feels Numbness In One Part Of His Body.
During The Pain, Most Of The Patients Develop Fever And Tension In The Neck Muscles.
Intractable Migraine Is A Severe And Dangerous Form Of Migraine That Can Lead To A Stroke.
Therefore, It Is Important To Contact A Doctor For Proper Diagnosis And Treatment.

Intractable Migraine Causes

Medical Science Does Not Know The Exact Causes Of Intractable Migraine But Experts Believe That A Person Can Suffer From Intractable Migraine Due To Environmental And Genetic Changes.In This Post, We Are Sharing With You Some Of The Reasons That Can Lead To Unbearable Migraine.
These Reasons Are As Follows.
Intractable Migraine Disease Can Be Passed From Parents To Their Children.
Most Women Suffer From Unbearable Migraines.
The Reason For This Is That Women Undergo Hormonal Changes During Menstruation, Pregnancy And Menopause
And Hormonal Changes Are The Main Cause Of Intractable Migraine .
Intractable Migraine Can Be Triggered Due To Mental And Nervous Tension.
People Who Have A Habit Of Sleeping Late At Night Are More Likely To Suffer From Intractable Migraine.
Poor And Market Food, Excessive Consumption Of Caffeine And Cigarettes Can Cause Intractable Migraine For A Person.

Tips for preventing Intractable Migraine

There Is No Cure For Migraine, But Experts Have Given Some Points In The Light Of Observations, Which If Followed, We Can Reduce The Damage Of Migraine And Especially Intractable Migraine In The Future.
These Points Are As Follows.
A Patient With Intractable Migraine Should Make It A Habit To Get At Least 8 Hours Of Sleep
Because We Can Defeat Any Disease Due To Good Sleep.
A Patient With Intractable Migraine Should Drink At Least 10 Glasses Of Water Daily And This Water Should Not Be Too Cold.
You Should Try To Find The Trigger That Causes Your Intractable Migraine So Remove Such Triggers From Your Life.
The Triggers That Can Cause Intractable Migraines Include Lack Of Sleep, Poor Diet, Market Food, Cold Drinks, Cigarettes, Energy Drinks, And The Use Of Narcotic Drugs.
A Patient With Unbearable Migraine Should Exercise In The Morning And Evening.
If A Patient Engages Himself In Meditation, He Can Defeat His Disease By 25%
Along With This, When The Patient Uses A Good Diet, Walking, And Doctor’s Medicine Continuously, He Can Defeat His Disease Up To 70%. So Only The Doctor’s Medicine Does Not Work But The Patient Has To Take Care Of All The Things Mentioned Only Then Can Intractable Migraine Be Controlled.

Intractable Migraine Treatment

Intractable Migraine Is Incurable But With The Instructions Described And Due To The Continuous Use Of The Doctor’s Medicine, The Patient Can Reduce The Terrible Damage In The Future.
So It Is Most Important That You Contact a Doctor And also Strictly Follow Our Statement Guidelines
So That You Can Be Protected From Further Losses.
If a Brother Or Sister Is Suffering From Intractable Migraine And Is Not Getting Any Relief Despite Taking The Doctor’s Medicines . So They Should Wear a Maghol Around Their Neck With The Doctor’s Medicine.
Mughol Is a Ancient Remedy And This Is Not Medicine, But It Is a Special Piece Of Leather .The Very Mild Smell Of Which Gives The Patient So Much Immunity That The Patient Is Able To Defeat The Disease .
In Addition, Mughol Improves The Function Of The Doctor’s Medicine.
Many Patients Have Overcome Migraine With Mughol 66.
So If You are also Suffering From Any Kind Of Migraine, You Can Try Wearing Mughol Around Your Neck For 3 Days. If You Have any Question about Mughol, You Can Contact Our Team On Whatsapp .

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