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Aura During Pregnancy ?
Whether a woman suffers from migraines or not, some women experience aura symptoms during pregnancy. We know that symptoms of aura include visual disturbances, sensory disturbances, difficulty speaking or hearing, and severe physical weakness. Therefore, the described symptoms can be experienced by women during pregnancy or in any month of pregnancy. Especially women who already suffer from migraines may experience severe aura symptoms during pregnancy.
Keep some important things in your mind regarding the attack of aura on women during pregnancy.
Aura is more common in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Aura symptoms may be more severe in women during pregnancy.
When women suffer from aura symptoms during pregnancy, women are less likely to have headaches before or after.
If a pregnant woman suffers any kind of damage, then its effects can be read on the child born.
Aura increases the risk of premature birth in women.
There is no definitive treatment for aura in women during pregnancy.
But taking into account the condition of the patient, the doctor can give him medicine to reduce the severity of the symptoms.
Therefore, if a woman is experiencing symptoms of aura during pregnancy, she must contact a doctor.

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